Joskus pieninkin juttu voi olla se piristävin. Työkaveri oli lomalla Saksassa ja sattui torille, jossa oli jso jonkinlaista miniä myytävänä. Hän tiesi harrastuksestani, ja päätti valita jotain minulle tuliaisiksi. Hän valitsi lankapuhelimen - juuri se nukkekodistani puuttuikin :D Nykyaikaahan siellä ei eletä, vaan lankapuhelin on sopivin malli. Kiitos!
Sometimes the smallest things are the best. A coworker was on vacation in Germany and she found a marketplace with all sorts of miniatures for sale. She knows of my hobby and decided to buy something for me. She chose a landline phone - just the thing I was looking for :D I don't aim for modern life, so this is very suitable. Thank you!
4 kommenttia:
That phone is beautiful! May I ask where exactly she found it? Maybe I can go there too :)
Aww it's cute :) I hope your families use it!
Thanks Kyraja and Julia! I checked with her, and it was actually the Christmas fair in Salzburg Austria, where she found all the wonderful miniatures :)
Ah, okay. Thank you very much! :)
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