torstaina, joulukuuta 12, 2013

Minimekkoja / Mini dresses

Ompeluiden innostamana olen kokeillut myös mekkojen tekemistä vauvakokoisille hahmoille. Pandavauva sai vaaleanmekon kerran junamatkalla ja alkoi näyttää vanhemmalta.

Sewing got me into trying making dresses for baby sized Sylvanians. A baby panda doesn't look so young anymore in this white dress.

Siilistä tuli vallan aikuinen kukkamekossa! Pidempi helma peittää jalat ja hahmo näytää pidemmältä. Siilin pään ja siinää kiini olevat piikit pystyy kääntämään sivulle ja mekon puettua päälle ja pois. Neiti ei taida vauvaksi enää palata, vaan hänelle täytyy hommata oman kokoisensa koti. Mutta panda tarvinnee oikeita vauvavaatteita...

The hedgehog baby turned into a adult with this lovely flower pattern! She looks taller with longer hem - her feet don't show at all. The dress is closed with button in the back and can be removed (as all my miniature clothes). I don't think she will return to be baby, she will have a home of her own. But the panda baby needs actual baby clothes...

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4 kommenttia:

Jane Chérie kirjoitti...

That's beautiful! I like the polished look of your dress! I am trying to make little coats for my critters and it's so hard to work on such a small scale!

Plushpussycat kirjoitti...

Your dresses are adorable! They look so cute on your little SF critters! Do you work from a pattern or make up the pattern yourself as you sew? I want to find patterns for making clothes for my little SF critters. Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I'm having a miniature desserts giveaway on my blog. Perfect size for your Sylvanians. :-) Welcome! xo Jennifer

Suvenkorento kirjoitti...

Thank you for lovely comments :) I have tried patterns, but for me it's easier to make up the shape along sewing. The scale is hard, and sometimes things just don't work out the way I want them to.

Eaton Blackberry kirjoitti...

This is just totally amazing! Can only dream of making something like this.